
Halloween Pumpkin Painting!

Our second Halloween wasn't AS eventful as last years, read that post HERE, but all in all it was fun! Technically we didn't celebrate on Halloween day, but who's takin' notes? We spent the night by the fire, roasting marshmallows, laughing with friends and family, and painting pumpkins. So, I guess it was similar to last years, we just traded our costumes out for PJ pants this year! 


We decided painting pumpkins is way less messy (for some...me excluded) than carving them, so we opted to do that instead. Since MSU was on such a roll at the time (short lived), Matt painted one. David made his a little backwards than you would have expected, but I thought it turned out cute! Daddy always goes against the grain with anything he does, so he got the tiniest pumpkin that we bought and painted an ...interesting... face on it! :) Mom wanted something that she could use to decorate with, so I helped her sketch out a "P" (that was Pinterest Inspired), and it turned out super cute! Allie chose to do a girly one, and I had huge plans for a cow print pumpkin, but I wound up just dripping paint all down every side. Something like that usually happens when I get aggravated with my original plan.

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