
Thrift It Link-Up!

I have not always been a faithful blogger, but I have continued to be a faithful blog READER for probably about four years, and Jennifer has always been one of my favorites. She has the sweetest little family, and I always love to read about what they've been up to! (Blog-reading also makes me feel like a stalker sometimes. Oops!)

Anyway, she has a link up for "thrift it", so I thought I would add a few things of mine in. I LOVE to thrift and DIY! Here we go...

Alright, this one is a "disclaimer" to thrift, I guess. 
I found these drawers on the side of the road by my high school, and I decided that they were perfectly fine! So, I called my Dad & he helped me load them onto the truck, and we carried them home. This was my first "thrift" find. My dad will turn around in the middle of the road and go back for something in a heartbeat, and now I find myself scanning through peoples trash piles in their yard as I drive by too.

So, I stripped & painted them a cream color, along with a robin's egg blue (not sure the name of these, but I'm pretty sure they're Valspar paints). Once the paint was completely dry, I came back with a wood stain and antiqued them. Now, there are many different ways to antique, but I didn't like the color of the wood underneath, so this was my solution. 

After that, I cut 2x4's and aligned them across the top, Gorilla Glue'd them together, and stained them with the same stain I used to distress. 

*My dad & David actually did most of the "handywork", but it was my idea. So, that counts for something right? 

Also, I would like to add that I haven't found (or really looked for) knobs yet. I also plan to seal the top so that it has a gel-like finish.

I don't know where I will put these pieces now, but I thought they would be great to have in the future! 

Next up is a picture frame turned chalkboard. I LOVE Jessica's blog, and I especially love her chalkboards that she does! (I linked her Valentines one), so she inspired me to just copy her! Ha! 

I found this for $25 at the Salvation Army, and it is HUGE. Seriously probably 4 ft tall. 

All I did was remove the glass (and managed to break it in the process), spray painted it, cut a piece of plywood to fit the back & painted it with chalkboard paint. (NOT spray!) Viola! Chalkboard.

For this, I actually saw it on Pinterest. I found the candlestick and the frame at Salvation Army. I paid $2.00 for this set and one more set. 
The frame is an awkward size (& I only had 4x6 photos), so before I put the photo in, I added a piece of scrapbook paper to the back of the photo and I love the way it looks!

I glued the frame to the top of the candlestick, painted it turquoise, and distressed it with sandpaper. 

Do ya'll see a trend with turquoise?


This is a small thing, but I bought the green book for (maybe) $1 at Palmer home, added it to a stack of books, and BAM! You have color on your bedstand to hold your creepy (but totally adorbs) Walmart Scentsy owl. 

Lastly, another DISCLAIMER one. 

I got this wire spool from our local power company, and painted it to make a Summer table for our back patio. I painted it with exterior paint and acryllic paint, but I sprayed an indoor/outdoor sealant on it to help with weathering. 

I hope ya'll enjoyed this! Maybe I didn't break the rules too much! 


  1. Um, can you please come help me decorate our home as soon as we buy? Precious little finds for great prices! I am not sure which is my fav!

    1. Ha! Yes, I would love to! I have been collecting pieces for about a year for a home that I don't even have yet! It's fun to think about, though! Thanks so much!
