
Weekend Recap...

Well, just in time for another weekend, I am here to update about LAST weekend!

Have ya'll heard Tim McGraw's song "One of Those Nights"? Well, in the song he says (sings), "One day you'll be looking back on your life at the memories, this is gonna be one of those nights." And I'll have you know, it wasn't just a night for me this past weekend. It was just the entire weekend! You know what was so extravagent about it?


Friday David had to work, so we went on our (usual) date to our local Mexican restaurant gottagetoutofthathabitQUICK. Saturday he went to work, and I spent the day at home until around 3:30, and then we left out to make the hour & fifteen minute drive South. My favorite drive. We detoured to Shuqualak and picked up my brother, and then we were on our way. I rode with Matt, but usually this time is the best chat-time with David. Sometimes we don't even listen to the radio, we just share with each other about our day or our week. I cherish the distance between us whenever we get to travel it together, and I loathe it when we are apart.

Once we arrived at his house, he and Matt built a fire, and I spent some time inside talking to David's mom. She is quickly becoming a great friend of mine, and I look up to her. She definitely makes me feel at home when my own Mamma can't be around, although no one can replace my Mamma :)
Soon enough, I was outside with the boys! Two of David's friends showed up, and we wound up wasting the night away on back roads around where they live.

Sunday we usually go see David's Memaw, but Matt cooked breakfast and we got lots of things done around their house (well, I didn't! Ha!) Mrs. Angela and I checked deer cameras and saddled up the horses. Matt & David put new tires on David's truck, fixed the golf cart, and did a few other things before they cooked steaks.
We rode horses for about two hours, and I could hardly walk after getting off! I loved it though. I had my first go-round with the horses last weekend when I was there, and I think I'm hooked now. Oops. My dad has always said that I would love it if I would give it another try, but it's taken me this long to even consider it. Once I considered it, I made myself do it - and if I wouldn't have done it that weekend, I probably NEVER would have done it.

this is a screenshot from instagram from last weekend, but I made Gabrielle ride with me. 
You know, just in case. :)

Saturday night David and Matt cooked steaks, and we hung out around the house and watched a couple of movies. Surprisingly, everyone was okay with not going somewhere or doing something. Usually Matt is always on the go, especially on the weekends, but he never complained. David was snoring on the couch by 8:00. :)

Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. (or Robert E. Lee) Day, so I had no class. We went to Butler around 9:30 and stopped by their "Pawn & Gun" place. I love their t-shirts and decor stuff and have gotten Mamma a few things in there before, but I had some sweatshirts in mind that I wanted to get monogrammed. They were running short on colors, but I came out two sweatshirts and a t-shirt.

(the ones I got are actually the teal on the right & blue on the left.)
this was taken from their Facebook Page.

We went to visit Memaw and came back to David's to remove this tree from one of the trails at his house. It has been there since the last storm we had, and it is clearly an inconvenience. So, I followed behind on the golf cart while David drove the tractor in front of me. Usually I would ride with him on the tractor if he was disking a field or planting, but I figured I would be in the way while he did this :)

Once that was finished, we came back to pack our bags, grabbed a quick lunch, and went with his mom to this old house:

Ya'll... I love to dig through "trash piles". See, way-back-when, they didn't have a garbage truck or someone who came by to take their trash out, so they usually dug a hole for things they considered trash, or took it off to a place where it couldn't be seen from the house. In these piles, you will likely find old bottles, cans, jars, and many other treasures that are of value in today's antique world. All I know about these things comes primary from my Dad and Mrs. Angela. They are kindred spirits in that they LOVE to know about old things. 

We have a trash pile on our hunting land, and this summer we dug through it one afternoon. We found everything from old tractor pieces to concrete crocks that most people use as an umbrella holder by there back doors now (and many of them are worth around $80 if they're in good condition!). Anyway, we found some old Mountain Dew & Pepsi bottles, a few old Coke & RC Cola bottles, and some Kerr jars as well. 

taken from etsy.

This was what the Mountain Dew and Pepsi bottles look like. The caption on the MD bottle actually says, "It'll tickle your innards!" I had to bring one home for Matt - our avid MD drinker! 

You know what they say, 
"One man's trash is another man's treaure." 

Maybe I'll have a fun project collaborating all of my trash pile finds soon!

totally pulled off huntin' boots with boot socks :)

We wound up back at my house Monday night because I had class at 8 on Tuesday, but it was such a fun weekend for me! I don't know why weekends like this have the greatest impact on me, but they do. Some of my most favorite weekends have been spent doing the smallest things. 

After dating David for nearly a year and a half, I think this weekend reminded me of some of the first times I went to Alabama with him. I did things with his family this weekend that I haven't ever done before. I got to spend some time with David without having to worry about his work schedule or my school schedule. It was relaxing and enjoyable.

"weather dog" on the way home - these are a sign of a change of weather.

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