
Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday to you people! If you're visiting from Sami's Shenanigans, I am so glad you're here! Welcome to my little diary! 


This weekend was pretty laid back, but those are my favorite! 

Matt & I packed up and crossed state lines around 1:00 Friday after SUCH a long week! 
Our teachers cross scheduled two tests on one day, so needless to say Thursday was stressful! 

I was ready for the weekend by 11:00 Friday! 

Once we made it there, David, Matt & I loaded up on the golf cart to go set out some beaver traps. 

(do ya'll think that we are the biggest hicks in the world? 
Because I guess to some we kind of are. 
I'm okay with that!)

Matt's really gotten into this beaver huntin' lately, and he's been pretty successful! 
David's family has three different ponds on their land, and one has a four foot tall beaver dam around a culvert, so Matt decided to try out some new trapping rigs to see if he could catch some! 
He set the traps and we left the premises. 
I was thrilled! I couldn't wait to check them the next day. 

Mrs. Angela had cooked some stew with potatos, carrots, and roast, so we ate supper pretty early and caught two of Gabrielle's horses. 

Gabrielle is David's sister, and she's a year younger than me. 
She barrel races nearly every weekend, so we caught them so that she could practice once she got home from work. 

In the midst of us going to watch her across the road, Matt found some face paint from deer season that he had left in his truck, so naturally I put some on when David wasn't around. 
...and got a pretty interesting look from him when he did see :) 

We spent the rest of the night hanging around some backroads around David's house, and we caught up with a few people David graduated with and they road with us. 

We saw a ton of deer and rabbits, made a drive by the paper mill (which I love to see in the dark), and got home fairly late!

Saturday morning, Matt got up to check the traps, confident that we would have a beaver, and.....

nothing! No beavers, no dam built back. Matt thought they had built their dam and moved out!

We spent the day outside, and I was in the process of losing my voice! 
Good times, ya'll! 

David fertilized a field,

and we sat by the pond talking for awhile! 
(Matt's on the bank on the left.)

Matt caught several fish, and David caught a few but wound up aggravated. 
Nothing was going right for him!

But he suuure did look cute while he tried! ;)

We spent some time visiting by the pond bank before we all loaded up in David's little ranger and made a run to the store for a Dr. Pepper and some Sunflower seeds.
(per my request!)

Basically, we just spent the day enjoying no responsibilities and each other's company!

Those are my favorite weekends after a long week!

Once the sun settled down, we ate a delicious supper from the grill!
Grilled chicken, sausage, and shrimp! 

Then we decided to set a pile on fire and have a few friends over!

Gabrielle was gone Saturday night, but we made due! :)

By this point, my voice was basically down to a whisper!

Yesterday, David and I went to Meridian for a little date! 
Matt got up early to check the traps and.....

sticks were in each one and the dam was built back! 

Mom had given David a gift card to Olive Garden (our favorite date spot), and we intended to use it yesterday. 
We slept pretty late, (it rained here, so the weather was perfect), and we got to Meridian around 1:00. 
The place was packed, but they seated us immediately!
We left without using the card because we forgot.
Better luck next time!

We enjoyed our usual entrée's, 
(mine: Ravioli with Meat Sauce and a Salad, David: Chicken Alfredo with Zuppa Soup)
and braved the weather back home.

I made this chalkboard once we got back from an idea I saw on Pinterest. I really love how it turned out, but I am disappointed in the chalk stain left from TWO sketches ago. 
I guess I will have to paint another coat of chalkboard paint on soon. 

Today I headed back to class, and when David woke up he headed back home.
(note: How sweet of him to come stay for one night! That's what you call making the most out of the weekend. That's also what you call "ATTACHED!")

Mom had a delicious Taco Soup for supper last night, and I had it for lunch again today. It's low in calories and perfect for a rainy day! 
Let me know if you'd like the recipe!

I also "cooked" up that little gem above. I saw it on pinterest, and if "healthy" and "cookie dough" are in the same sentence, you can COUNT ME IN! 
It was definitely different, and it didn't have the same consistency as the photo above, but I had to use Dannon 110 Calorie Vanilla yogurt instead of Greek Yogurt. 
I didn't add the sweetner (it was sweet enough without it), and I didn't add vanilla (because the yogurt was already flavored vanilla). I also had to use regular peanut butter (because I didn't have nut butter.)
Those adjustments probably upped the calories a little, but I put the recipe into My Fitness Pal, and it totalled it as 138 calories which isn't bad for a snack! 
It was actually pretty filling too!! 

ps. didn't tast anything like cookie dough, but meh - oh well!

What did you do this weekend?

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