
Coffee and Conversation: What's the most valuable lesson you've learned this year?

Coffee & Conversation
I am linking up again with Kalyn and Lauren for Coffee and Conversation!
Last week's post really allowed me to think about things that I am thankful for this week. I know I should think about it every week - even every day - but I fall short of that. If you'd like to read that post, click here
This week the question is: 
What is the most valuable lesson you've learned this year so far? 
I'd like to say that's an EASY question, and the answer (for me) is easy, but I believe that a LESSON is also learned, and I'm not quite sure I've learned the lesson I have been taught this year. 

I am the world's worst about waiting until crunch time to get started on things. Since starting at a 4-year college, I have learned that it is NOT always the greatest idea to wait until the last minute, and since I have gotten in the habit of doing things sooner rather than later - I find myself a lot less stressed out (and SO relieved) when the time comes for things that I don't procrastinate. 
This does not mean I never procrastinate. 
I am still fairly good at it! 
I have, however, started making notecards weeks before tests, done homework two nights in advance, and even tried to make sure I'm early (rather than RIGHT ON time) for class each morning. 
I find that I am a lot less stressed out when I plan ahead, and I always want to kick myself when I DON'T plan ahead. 

Now, among other lessons like
- wood stain under your nail beds is NOT attractive,
- smashing your thumb can delay life indefinitely,
- NEVER go to a "sit down" restaurant if you're famished,
and lastly...
- while it's fun to do nothing on Sunday's, it's also great to get things accomplished, 

I have learned a few things this week year. 

Tell us what you've learned! 
Go link up!


  1. Thanks for sharing & linking up lady! I am still bad about procrastinating to this day. It surely is a work in process :)

    1. I know! I wish I was better at it than I am. I'm loving your link up questions. Ya'll are doing a great job!

  2. Hi Julianna, love this post! Procrastination can be such a hard thing to conquer, who hasn't dealt with this. glad you are taking the steps to work on it. Can't wait to read more of your posts! I made sure to follow you! Zoe @ www.turquoisebohemian.com
