
October Favorites!

I had a chance to read through blogs and came across Ashia's favorites! I love, love, love reading through people's favorite things because I LOVE finding new favorite things! I think more bloggers should engage in doing a monthly favorites because it's fun, informative, and who doesn't like talking about their favorite things? 

So, let's get started! 

1. Breaking Bad - okay, I know this show has stirred much conflict, and while it does center around some things I don't agree with, the show is actually well made, interesting, and intriguing. David and I were looking for something we could watch together when no good movies were on RedBox, and everyone was raving about this so we gave it a try, and now we are hooked. {By hooked I mean we watch 3 episodes a weekend.}

2. Baby Lips Dr. Rescue - Ashia had mentioned that she had found a new lip product she loved because it was tinted, but acted as a chapstick and didn't taste gross. This is the same way! I LOVE tinted lip balms, and I have ever since I discovered the Burt's Bee's ones, but they're a little harder to find nowadays, and Baby Lips has stepped up to the plate! Even if you don't want a tinted one, there's a clear one that David seems to like, too! The original Baby Lips was somewhat drying to me, but this menthol infused balm takes the cake. Pair it with a menthol based lip gloss from B&BW, and you're in business for these cool, crisp Fall mornings that take no prisoners when it comes to your lips! 

3. ItsJudysLife Vlog - I have always loved watching makeup guru's on YouTube. In fact, they're the reason I love makeup so much! It's basically a monthy favorites for them all the time! Plus they actually do monthly favorites! However, ItsJudyTime never does that sort of thing. She does something way more useful and helpful! She posts "First Impressions" of tons of new makup products, so if you're wondering how well the product works for a real human, she provides honest feedback about it, and even videos throughout the day with how the product is lasting. That's her main channel, but the one I'm mentioning is her "vlog" which is basically a video blog. Her and her husband, Benji, video their days and post them the next day. It's like watching their home movies! Best of all, she has a daughter named "Julianna" {maybe that aids in my obsession}, and she's pregnant with twins! I love watching their day-to-day lives. They're both awesome cooks, and they post recipes sometimes, too! It's insane that I'm infatuated with a family that I don't know, but they're just SO precious!  

4. Bloglovin' - All the hoopla about "Google Reader" shutting down sent everyone into a frenzy, and we all resorted to Bloglovin'. Some hate, some love. Me? I love! I love having easy access to follow/unfollow blogs, and I love that it distinguishes my read/unread blogs. My only complaint is that I wish commenting from Bloglovin' was easier than it is. 

5. Friday's - because really, by then, I'm spent! AND my favorite dude is either in route to see me or waiting on me to come see him in the afternoons. Perfect! 

6. B&BW Leaves Car Insert - I guess you'd have to also buy the car freshener holder if you  want to experience this, but it's worth it! Usually these inserts are buy 3 get one free, too! I LOVE "Leaves". It's the perfect Fall scent. They have the candles and wet oils in this scent, too, but I got this one for my car since I spend a majority of my day in it! I love opening the door early in the morning and smelling this, and I love leaving town to come home with this in my car - it makes me feel like i'm already there! 

What are your favorite things? 
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoy reading others!

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