

Well, well, well... 
As many of you know I am a DIRT-CHEAP-FREAK! I try not to go in there unless I have some extra cash because I ALWAYS find something I want need. So, check this baby out? Got it for $50 & it was regularly $130 at target. 
I've wanted a utility cart for awhile, and my original plan was to get a stark white one from the 60's/70's. Then, I was browsing through jessica's blog & found her cart that she had decorated SO cute for Christmas and Thanksgiving, and I loved it! 
Just so happens I found it at Dirt Cheap! Yeeeehaw. 

Next up!!! 
YA'LL -- I DIE!!! 
A piece like this is the reason that that I got into antiques. I promise it was nothing for me to spend hours at night searching Etsy & Google looking at these things, pricing them, and drooling over them. On Friday, a lady from our local antique store (who knew my desire to have one) called and asked if I was still searching for one. I told her YES! (With hesitation because it's Christmas and I'm all spent out as some would say) She explained that someone had brought one in and was setting it up as we were talking, then she sent me the above photo to which I replied, 

15 minutes later I was taking it out of the car at my house. 

Dad helped me bring it inside, and I decorated it up a little. Everyone has asked what I plan to do with it, and well ... besides stare at it, I'm not sure! Ha! Here are some ideas I found on Pinterest: 

I love the book idea, and I also love adding the succulents to a few shelves. 
Who knows what I may do! 

Oh? And were you interested in the price of these babies?
Regular Price: $1,525.00
My Price: $150.00 
Maybe a tenth of the price!! 

Whew! I feel like Christmas came early!


  1. Girl after my own heart! You are a keeper for real! I love this! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    1. Thanks, thanks!! I can't wait to have my own little home for it to sit in :)
