
ONE month (and a few days) of Mrs. Tyson!

 I will say that I had many preconceived notions of what marriage would be like. Pictures that were painted for me by my family, some wedded friends, and even just a general picture that the married public painted for me, and I have to say - while I am thankful for so many of those portraits that were sketched into my mind, I am even more grateful for the opportunity to have my own chance at being the artist (along with David) of our marriage. The Lord has shown us so much grace and mercy that has allowed us to even BE in this season of life, and it's sometimes overwhelming to think that each day hereafter will begin and end with David by my side. God answers prayers in a powerful way, and I have been blessed with more than I deserve by being blessed with David. To God be the glory!

I have so much to blog about, and I cannot wait to share every tiny detail about our wedding, but until I can get that series going, I thought I would update on life after marriage. Well, life after ONE MONTH of marriage.

 This blog has seen so much change in David & I's relationship. We have come from the first date, loss and gain, the engagement, and now marriage. I have to say, this season of life is turning out to be a spectacular one, but I had no doubt about that. After all, I started this blog with the anticipation of journaling our lives as they happened. I have somewhat failed miserably lately, but I have tons of things coming. I can't wait to share!

 In one month, I have begun to learn what it's like to live away from my parents - something that I, at almost 24 years old, have never done. I would be lying if I said that I didn't cry the first one or two (or 5) times that they left our house or we left theirs. Not because I wanted to be at home with them instead, but because the adjustment was just overwhelming for me -- i had not anticipated missing them that much, and crying usually led me to feel terrible for David, but he always encouraged me that "it's okay. This is a big adjustment, but it's going to get better, and you're going to get used to this." And I have. Because he has helped me through it. Through all of this, I have learned even more about the way that David loves me. He loves me through bad, good, tears, smiles, anger, happiness, good and bad. And yes, I have learned that over and over within the last month. 

 In one month of marriage I have learned a few things. I hope I can do this each month for the first year, but this month has definitely  been one of trial and error:

I have learned..
...that I enjoy housework (vacuuming especially), but I love the feeling of all the clothes being washed, dried, ironed, folded, and hung.
...that there is a possibility of me being able to impress David with cornbread just like his moms!
...that folding the sheets is quite possibly the most frustrating thing on the planet.
...that things get dusty TOO quick.
...that I can blanch peas and butterbeans (even if Mimi helped!)
...that Mimi's help is valued and treasured.
...that chatting with Mom to & from work is a new normal that I am glad we have created.
...that Daddy will still come over at 9:30 to look at a ceiling fan, even if he was in his pj's before the call.
...that finding a puppy in a culvert can really show you how big your husband's heart is (even if we decided that we couldn't keep it.)
...that eating each meal at the table really makes a difference (eating in the living room makes me feel like we are college roommates with no dining room).
...that having a "bed hog" really is a real thing.. and sometimes he kicks!
...that David's nighttime prayers have been a huge encouragement to me.
...that family coming over on a friday when I'm off is precious time that I enjoy!
...and that Sunday lunch is as special as Christmas dinner to us now!
...that David really does like tomatoes (at least the green ones) (he just won't fully admit it)
...that waking up everyday & realizing this is my life still hasn't sunken in.
...that when planning to buy something "big", you should definitely ask your parents. Frost-free deep freezers are probably the way to go, but we are proud of the frosty one we purchased anyway!
...that living life with another human is DIFFERENT... but so. much. fun!

It may seem crazy that a month has taught me these things, but marriage is big. Marriage isn't just taking on a last name. It isn't just a wedding (although that was SO much fun!). It isn't just a honeymoon. It's learning to love the person you're with every single day, through every single mood and transition, and if learning this takes a lifetime, that's okay with me. 

Everyone has joked with us about "the honeymoon phase" of marriage, and while I know we aren't even in the eye of that storm being over, David did lean over to me (after what I guess was the last joke he could take for the day) and said, "I'm gonna do my best to make our honeymoon phase last til my dying day," and in one month of marriage, I have learned that that's   r e a l l y   what marriage is about.

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